CabinCab Air Spring

  • TRUCK MC056299 air bag for cabin air suspension parts CABIN SUSPENSION FUSO MK622243-T MK622249

    TRUCK MC056299 air bag for cabin air suspension parts CABIN SUSPENSION FUSO MK622243-T MK622249

    Complete air springs are suspension elements that are developed for trucks, towing vehicles and trailer group heavy vehicles; they help the driver and the load get minimally effected by adverse conditions on the road, preserve the vehicle balance during loading conditions, and keep the road, product and passenger safeties at utmost levels through a balanced drive.

    Complete air springs offer ease of use for trailer and truck type vehicles through functions like independent movement capability and variable height adjustment to meet application requirements during loading and unloading.

    Through balanced load distribution between axles and preservation of center of mass, degradation of highways is minimized and long-term road maintenance costs are minimized.

    Nominal working ranges, natural frequency values and load capacities for the products vary with location of use.

  • Truck spare parts 1381919/ Cabin air bag 1476415/ Air suspension spring CB0009

    Truck spare parts 1381919/ Cabin air bag 1476415/ Air suspension spring CB0009

    Air springs manufacturer nowadays has been competing by incorporating new design, looks, innovation, and upgrades to their products. Aside from quality, air spring manufacturers also compete at pricing. Many OEM and aftermarket producers are being seen with different suspension system components and many assumed to be on the top. As far as the development of automotive is concern, production of air springs will be in constant demand for many years to come.